Duck Farming for Eggs in India - Why it's a Lucrative Business

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    Duck Farming for Eggs in India - Why it's a Lucrative Business

    Duck Farming for Eggs in India

    Duck Farming for Eggs in India - Why it's a Lucrative Business: Duck farming for eggs in India has been growing by leaps and bounds over the last decade, with demand driving farmers to produce more and more eggs. Why should you consider duck farming in India? This brief guide will explain everything you need to know about this business opportunity and will help you decide if it’s right for you or not.

    Is Duck farming profitable in India?

    Duck farming is one of those modern poultry farming practices that have made many farmers rich in recent years. Duck eggs are more popular than chicken eggs and people do pay more for them. The higher demand and price provide a great opportunity to make money like a duck farmer. Besides, ducks have relatively lower maintenance costs than chickens. As with any other business, there are several things you should consider before taking up the duck farming business in India.

    The Basics of Ducks

    Duck farming occupies an important position in India. They form about 10% of the total poultry population in India and contribute about 7-8% of the total egg produced in-country. To start a duck business, there are primarily 2 things that need to be considered: What are the basic needs of a duck? Basic Duck Care. The main requirements include shelter from hot or cold weather, clean water with some grain/pellets/mash, and healthy feed.

    Ducks need protection from extremes in weather conditions and predators. However, baby ducks (called ducklings) are defenseless when hatched and must be kept warm until they can protect themselves. For better protection, ducks should be housed inside a building or other structure rather than outside, though they should have access to clean water and fresh air. Ducks need to stay dry, so you will also need to provide shelter from rain and snow.

    Types of Ducks and How to Select Them

    Duck farming is not limited to a particular breed of duck, but of course, some types are better than others. The popular breed used for commercial egg production is Indian Runner ducks. But there are other breeds that can do quite well as well if you know how to select them and which types of environments they can live in comfortably.

    Ducks have been genetically selected for different purposes, primarily meat production and egg production. Meat ducks are selected to grow very quickly with little feed and therefore usually have less muscle tissue than egg-producing breeds. To fill those additional body parts, they often contain more fat than other breeds of duck. Selecting ducks for meat can be done by comparing their back muscle area to their thigh muscles.

    Space Requirements for Ducks

    Each duck requires 2 to 3 square feet of floor area. They require more space if they are to be kept in an outside pen. The number of ducks that can be kept together varies with their ages. A general rule is to allow about two square feet per adult bird.

    Under an intensive system, allow a floor space of 3 sq.ft.per bird. Under a semi-intensive system, allow a floor space of 5 sq. ft.

    Feeding Ducks

    Duck food is very expensive and you can not just buy normal chicken feed. You need to buy something special that’s designed to keep them healthy, especially when they’re young and growing. Feed your ducks cracked corn, oats, rice, birdseed, frozen peas, chopped lettuce, or sliced grapes.

    The natural diet of ducks and other waterfowl is aquatic vegetation such as duckweed, seeds, and other small creatures that live in water. Ducks eat both plants and animals. Although they are usually herbivores (plant-eaters), they’ll also eat insects or fish if they need to.

    Hatching Ducklings from Eggs

    This temperature must be maintained at all times. Duck eggs incubate at a temperature between 99.3 and 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit (38.1-37.2 degrees Celsius). In fact, duck eggs incubate at a higher temperature than chicken eggs; ducklings have a faster growth rate than chickens as well. Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, so they take longer to hatch. Ducklings also need more heat to keep them warm after hatching because of their size.

    The temperature of your duck eggs must be maintained at all times. To do so, you’ll need to regulate your incubator’s temperature. (If you purchase an incubator instead of building one, it will come with instructions on how to maintain an optimal hatching temperature.

    Pros & Cons of Duck Farming

    Rather quickly and be rather large as adults. A duckling who can fit in your palm when you buy her may grow to be as tall as you say nothing of their (very noisy) companionship. But, hey: Isn't that why people keep chickens? The pros far outweigh any cons! Ducklings are smart and easily trained – they can learn to step up on command, walk on a leash, or simply follow you around like Flocky from The Good Dinosaur. Plus, ducks eat more...

    Marketing Your Farm Products

    Duck farming occupies an important position in India. They form about 10% of the total poultry population in India and contribute about 7-8% of the total egg produced in-country. There is a huge demand for duck eggs among chicken farmers because duck eggs are much bigger and richer than chicken eggs. This demand for duck eggs makes duck farming a profitable business model for producers. Duck farming can be highly profitable. There is a huge demand for duck eggs among chicken farmers because duck eggs are much bigger and richer than chicken eggs.

    Is There Money in Duck Farming For Egg?

    To start duck farming, you will need to purchase a duck. A mature duck (1 year and above) would cost you about $30 to $40. However, do not forget that you will also have to spend some money on their housing and food as well. According to certain estimates, a mature duck can lay about 1,000 eggs per year.

    So, yes, duck farming can be an excellent money-making venture. Depending on your budget and area of operation, there is good profit to be made. But remember that it will not be easy! You will have to work hard and put in long hours. You should consider factors like the market price of eggs, the number of ducklings hatched per year, etc., before taking any decision.

    How Much Does Duck Cost in India?

    Duck farming occupy an important position in India. They form about 10% of the total poultry population in India and contribute about 7-8% of the total egg produced in-country. Duck farming is booming because they cost less to buy and maintain than chicken. A duck costs anywhere between Rs 500 to Rs 700, while a chicken costs between Rs 2,000 to Rs 2,500. Ducks also lay eggs every day while chickens are only laying two or three eggs per week.

    Conclusion Of Duck Farming For Eggs

    Duck farming occupy an important position in India. They form about 10% of the total poultry population in India and contribute about 7-8% of the total egg produced in-country Duck Farming For Eggs In Pakistan Best Duck Farming For Eggs In Pakistan Price Of Duck Eggs How To Start Duck Farming For Eggs?

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