Friday, February 24, 2023

Elden Ring Rune Farming: Tips and Strategies for Efficient Progression

  Sonam Gangwar       Friday, February 24, 2023

Elden Ring Rune Farming: Are you struggling to collect powerful runes in Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action role-playing game from FromSoftware and Bandai Namco? Runes are essential items that grant your character various bonuses and abilities, but they can be hard to obtain, especially in the early stages of the game. However, with some knowledge and planning, you can optimize your rune farming and speed up your progress. In this article, we will share some tips and strategies for Elden Ring Run Farming that can help you overcome challenges and reach your goals faster.

Introduction and Context : Elden Ring Rune Farming

Elden Ring is an open-world game with a rich and complex lore, challenging combat, and a vast array of enemies and bosses. In this game, you play as a tainted, cursed warrior who seeks to restore the broken Elden Ring, a powerful artifact that holds the world together. To achieve your goal, you need to explore the land between lands, fight against various threats and earn runes that increase your skills and stats.

However, the process of rune farming in Elden Ring can be demanding and time consuming. Runes are rare drops from enemies, and their effects vary depending on their type and rarity. Some runes provide passive bonuses to your health, stamina, or damage output, while others provide active abilities, such as magic spells or weapon buffs. In addition, some runes require specific conditions or quests to be unlocked, adding another layer of complexity to the rune system.

Therefore, if you want to optimize your Elden Ring rune farming, you need to understand the mechanics behind it and adopt some effective strategies. Let's look at some of the best practices for rune farming in Elden Ring.

Now, let us move to the main content of the article which will include the following parts:

  • Understanding the Types of Runes in the Elden Ring
  • Identifying enemies that drop wanted runs
  • Maximize your farming efficiency with the right gear and strategy
  • Unlocking special runes through quests and events
  • Manage your rune inventory and choose the best runes for your builds
  • Conclusion and Recap

Section 1: Understanding the Types of Runes in the Elden Ring

There are four types of runes you can collect in Elden Ring:

  • Basic Runes: These runes provide simple bonuses to your stats, such as an increase in health or stamina. They are the most common type of rune and drop from many enemies, especially in early areas of the game.
  • Unique Runes: These runes offer more specific bonuses or abilities that are tailored to certain playstyles or situations. They are rarer than the original runes and require more effort to obtain.
  • Boss Runes: These runes are special drops from the game's bosses and grant significant bonuses or abilities. They are among the most coveted runes in the Elden Ring, but also the most difficult to obtain.
  • Covenant Runes: These runes are tied to various covenants or

Section 2: Identifying Enemies That Drop Desired Runes

To efficiently score runes in Elden Ring, you need to know which enemies are more likely to drop the runes you need. While most enemies have a random chance to drop runes, some enemies are more likely to drop certain types of runes based on their location, appearance, or behavior. For example, enemies using magic attacks may drop runes of magic, while enemies using heavy weapons may drop runes of strength.

To identify rune drops for specific enemies, you can consult an online guide or experiment with different farming routes. Some common farming locations for certain runes include:

  • Basic Runes: Any early game area with weak enemies, such as Fields of Requiem or Echoing Caverns.
  • Unique Runes: Certain minibosses or difficult enemies that have a distinctive appearance or moveset, such as the Titanite Knight in the Blighted Village or the Ringed Knight in the Forgotten Chapel.
  • Boss Runes: Each boss has a specific rune they drop, and some bosses have multiple runes. For example, the first boss, Granus, drops the Granus Rune, which increases your physical damage, while the third boss, Erlund, drops the Erlund Rune, which increases your magical abilities.
  • Covenant Runes: You can obtain Covenant Runes by joining and progressing in the various Covenants in the game, which require certain actions or conditions. For example, the Sunlight Covenant rewards players who assist other players in defeating the boss with a Sunlight Rune, which increases your cooperative rewards.
By targeting enemies that drop desired runes, you can increase your chances of getting them and avoid wasting time on less rewarding farming routes.

Part 3: Maximizing Your Farming Efficiency With the Right Gear and Strategy

While it's important to identify the right enemies to farm, you also need to optimize your farming efficiency with the right gear and strategy. Here are some tips for maximizing your rune farming in Elden Ring:
  • Use Item Discovery Gear: Certain armor sets, weapons, or rings increase your item discovery rate, which affects your chances of getting rare drops like runes. Some examples of item discovery gear include the Crystal Sage Rapier, Lovatus Gold Serpent Ring, or the Mimic Helmet.
  • Use farming strategy: Depending on the enemy and the rune you want to farm, you may need to adopt different strategies in order to defeat them quickly and safely. For example, if you're farming for the Erlund Rune from the third boss, you might want to focus on magic damage and dodging his attacks, whereas if you're farming for the Granas Rune from the first boss , you may want to use the heavy weapon and stagger him with charged attacks.
  • Restock and Respawn: After clearing an area or defeating a boss, you can rest at a bonfire to revive enemies and repeat the farming process. However, be mindful of your resources and avoid wasting healing items or stamina unnecessarily.
  • Co-op with other players: If you're struggling to farm a certain rune or enemy, you can try to co-op with other players who have already obtained it. By helping them defeat the enemy, you can earn a share of their rewards, which also include races.
By combining the right gear and strategy, you can farm runes more efficiently and reduce the frustration of repetitive farming.

Section 4: Unlocking special runs through quests and events

In addition to farming from enemies, you can also obtain special runes by completing quests, events, or hidden challenges in the Elden Ring. These runes often provide unique or powerful bonuses that can give you an edge in combat or exploration.

Some examples of quest-based runes include:

  • The Dragonstone Rune: Obtained by completing the Dragonstone questline at High Peak Castle. This rune increases your fire resistance and gives you the ability to breathe fire.
  • The Moonlight Rune: Obtained by completing the Witcher quest in Blackwood Forest. This rune increases your magic damage and allows you to summon a spectral wolf to fight alongside you.
  • The Serpent Rune: Obtained by completing the Serpent quest in the Old Crypt. This rune increases your resistance to poison and enables you to use a poison attack.
To unlock these runes, you must meet certain conditions, such as finding hidden objects, defeating specific enemies, or making choices in dialogue or actions. Some quests may even have multiple results or branches, leading to different rewards or results.
In addition to quests, Elden Ring also has various events and challenges that can reward you with special runs. These may include:

  • Treasure Hunts: Finding hidden treasures or clues scattered throughout the world can lead you to unique runes and other valuable items. Accessing some treasure may require solving puzzles or defeating minibosses.
  • Gauntlet Challenges: These are timed challenges that test your combat skills and reward you with runs and other loot based on your performance. Some gauntlets may have special modifiers or themes that add additional difficulty or variety to the challenge.
  • World Events: Occasionally, the world of the Elden Ring may be affected by global events, such as invasions of demonic forces or celestial alignments. By participating in these events by defeating enemies or completing objectives, you can earn rare races and other rewards.
By fully exploring the world of Elden Ring and engaging in various activities, you can unlock special runes that may not be available through farming alone.


Rune farming is an essential aspect of Elden Ring's progression and customization system, allowing you to tailor your character's stats and abilities to suit your play. To run a farm effectively, you need to identify the right enemies, optimize your gear and strategy, and explore the world for quest-based and event-based raids. With these tips and strategies, you can enhance your Elden Ring experience and become a formidable warrior in the Land Between.

Thanks for reading Elden Ring Rune Farming: Tips and Strategies for Efficient Progression

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